The Financing You Need for Your Next Fix and Flip Project

Fix and flip financing is a popular financial product for individual property flippers and commercial real estate investors alike. At Chess Capital, we understand your need for efficiency; fix and flip financing provides quick and reliable access to necessary funds. Our financial advisors have the experience and training to deliver solutions geared specifically to your fix and flip projects.

Commercial Fix and Flip Ventures

We understand that your commercial project comes with property purchases, equipment needs, and renovation supplies. One of our fix and flip lines of credit offers:

  • 90 percent of your property purchase costs
  • 95 percent of renovation costs
  • Low fixed interest rates
  • Comfortable repayment terms
  • A closing window of just two to three weeks

Whether you’re looking at a single property for just over $100,000 or hundreds of properties valued up to several million dollars, Chess Capital has the right financing program.

Individual Fix and Flip Projects

We also have solutions for smaller property flippers with loans for individual flip and fix operators. These loans run from $60,000 up to $10 million. We offer financing for 85 percent of the property purchase price and 100 percent of the renovation costs. Repayment terms run up to 24 months without prepayment penalties. We can get you into the loan you need within a few weeks.

Let’s Get Started

Reach out to a Chess Capital financial specialist today to learn more about our fix and flip financing solutions.

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